Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Teen Parents???

Over the years of working with teenage girls I have dealt with more pregnant teenagers than I would have liked. It is a reality while living in the culture that we inhabit. The bottom line is that a large percentage of teenagers are sexually active...and so it follows that some of them will get pregnant before they graduate from high school.

I have had both good and bad experiences with pregnant teens. Some have decided to place the baby for adoption (which is always my first preference). Some have decided to keep the child. And some, which I still grieve for, have had abortions. But in all of these cases, not one of the girls wanted to be pregnant. I don't think it's any high school girl's dream to carry a child through the halls of their alma mater.

Tonight I had my eyes opened to something I've never seen before. I flipped on the TV and because I only get three channels (gotta love the bunny ears), the first thing that caught my attention was a show called The Baby Borrowers. Basically the premise of this show is that a group of teenage couples are all given the chance to be parents for a few days. Each of the couples, for the most part, felt like they were ready to have children. More often than not, it was the girl who was excited and the guy was just kind of going along with the gig. But they took these teens from their home towns, gave them each a house to live in and after prepping them for all of 2 days, they gave them a child under a year old to care for.

First of all...what parent would allow their baby to be in this experiment?? Do they not realize that there is a reason teenagers are not ready to be parents? Luckily the mom and dad were in a house across the street the whole time watching a video monitor of what was going on inside the experiment...and each one of them had the option of stepping in if it looked like it was getting out of control (which they did, thank goodness.)

I suppose I am just in awe of a few things. One is that these teenagers really thought they were ready to have children. I watched for about 10 minutes...before the kids were even dropped off at the house and was convinced that none of these couples had what it takes. First, as anyone who works with or parents teenagers knows...teenagers are selfish. Now, I will write a disclaimer and say that we are all selfish, but the maturity level of a teen in a relationship leads to more selfishness than a 25 year old who is married. These kids were fighting with each other about who was going to do what before they even got out of the gate. Obviously I am not a parent yet, but it is a no-brainer that in order to be a parent you have to set your own agenda aside and do what is best for the child (not always easy, but necessary.)

I think this experiment is probably very helpful for these couples to realize that they are not ready for parenting, but it seems a little odd that our culture is in a place where teens are getting pregnant on purpose just because it seems "fun to have a kid." I also am a bit disappointed that the media industry would cash in on such a ridiculous experiment...

What do you think? Have you seen it?

Monday, June 23, 2008


I am sorry it's been a while since my last post...but it has been a very busy month around here. With the end of school, all the graduations and grad parties, and regular ministry events, I've been running around like crazy. I always know when my life is a little bit out of control when I look at the interior of my is a mess...and that usually translates to a messy life. But hey, when I share what I'm about to share, it's totally worth it!!

We just returned from BigStuf camp down in Panama City Beach, FL. And let me tell you, if you have never been to BigStuf before, you should find a way to get there. Big stuff will happen in your life and in the lives of your students over the week that you are there.

I grew up on the west coast of Florida and I had always been told that Panama City Beach was a crazy place to go. There are a lot of unsavory things that happen on or near that beach, especially right around spring break time every year. But imagine a beach like that with 1,500 kids and leaders praising the one true God and learning how to walk with Him. It was incredible.

I will honestly say that when we left Cincinnati last Sunday, I was exhausted and frustrated. Ministry was not going as I had planned (of course, it never does when "I" plan it), and it had been a busy spring. I was not ready to take a group of high school students away for a week. But it wasn't 24 hours into our stay in Panama City when God broke through my own selfishness and opened my heart to what He was about to do in my life and in the lives of my students. Throughout the week I saw Him change hearts like only He can. I saw a young man who was kind of interested in Christianity, but also practicing Buddhism to some extent, come to a saving faith in Jesus. I saw a young woman who had never heard the gospel before respond by inviting Jesus into her life. I saw another young woman who has been a Christ follower for a while confess openly about some of the lies that she has been living and be baptized.

Only God can make changes in lives like this. And it is an incredible thing to be a part of. I am so excited to have the privilege of walking with these students as they explore their new hearts. I am so grateful that God would choose me to be the one to do it.