Friday, June 26, 2009


So, I have these new downstairs neighbors. It is a mom and her daughter, who happens to be a sophomore at Walnut Hills. (Man I love high school students). When they first moved in a few months ago they were asking me if I liked living in our apartment complex. I was honest with them and said that I liked my apartment very much, but my biggest complaint was actually my old downstairs neighbors. They were totally obnoxious...they would play loud bass music really late and they always had people there yelling and screaming all the time. She seemed relieved for me that they were no longer there and assured me that the only loud music coming from her apartment would be gospel. I breathed a sigh of relief right then and there...a Christian family...awesome!! She then asked me what I did for a living and I told her I worked as a youth pastor. A huge grin lit across her face as she introduced me to her daughter.

Now, I haven't had too much contact with them since that. Maybe a few hellos in passing, but life has been busy for all of us and I just haven't seen them much. Then on Sunday, God taught me a big lesson. I was walking downstairs to let another friend of mine into my apartment building when I ran into them on the stairs. I was excited to say hello, so after a quick interchange, I asked how things were going. She immediately said, "well, they are ok...I buried my mother this week, but she is in a better place with the Lord, " and then she kind of smiled. I responded to her with my condolences and then told her if there was anything she needed to please come on up...and that I would be praying for her.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but once I had a moment God really spoke to me about the way we interact with each other. I realized that most of the time, even with my Christian brothers and sisters my normal response to "What's up?" is usually, "Not much". And my answer to "How are you ?" is usually, "Good." Why is this? Why do we struggle so much to be transparent with even those who are supposed to love us the most? Is it fear? Is it a need for acceptance? I'm not sure what the answer is, but I think it needs to change. Of course there are times when it is just not feasible to share our life stories with one another...time doesn't always allow for it. But can we try to be a little more transparent? Can we try to be a little bit more honest...sharing the good and the bad?

After thinking on it for a while, if we don't share our concerns with one another we will never be a community. This is what Jesus meant when he said bear with one another. We need to know what's up to be able to pray and care for our brothers and sisters. I shared this with our youth group Sunday night and was met with different responses...some were excited about the idea...some looked scared. I'm not sure how it will play out, but I will say that I appreciate so much those who I have been able to be real with, and I know that God is so present in those moments where we care for one another!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Prayer and power

I have made this statement a few times in the last 24 hours..."this was the best mission trip we have ever taken." After being in Mexico 6 times in the past 4 years I cannot believe I am making this statement because every time we go it is an amazing experience. But I can honestly say that this week was something special. I cannot say strongly enough how proud I am of each of the students who went with us. God handpicked this group for sure, and I know He had a very specific plan for them while they were down there...which will continue to flesh itself out as they return home.

I'm not going to have the time to take you on a play by play of the trip...there is just too much. But I can tell you that God is doing something amazing in El Limon, Mexico. There is a reason I love to take what is supposed to be a 6 hour (which turned into 7 1/2 on the way down and 10 on the way back) bus trip to spend 4 days there every year. God is at work...and it is so visible. I think God is always at our lives and in the lives of the people around us. He is in the business of transforming each of us to be more like Him. He is in the business of providing for our needs and loving us like no human can. But I think we miss a lot of what God does in our busy, "I want it now" society. There are 45 orphans at Mama Paulita's childrens home. And each one of them is learning in very practical and hands on ways about how God protects them, Fathers them and lifts them up. They are learning that God does give us what we need and that the biggest thing we need is an intimate realtionship with Him and the capacity to love each other well. They are experiencing His provisions in ways that we in America can't imagine because we have so much. And they are teaching others to love like Jesus.

Every Monday at Mama Paulita's the children do an outreach in their neighborhood. This neighborhood is very poor. Some houses don't even have doors and one house was missing part of its roof. Many of the people were just chilling out under a tree trying to beat the 110 degree heat of the afternoon. This week, the children were going out in different teams praying for people and giving them a New Testament. We were lucky enough to be invited along, and as we began walking I wasn't sure what to expect. I don't speak much Spanish, so I was planning on just hanging toward the back of the group and observing all that was happening. To my surprise, most of these people invited us all into their yards and houses and spoke with us for some time about their situations. We met a lady who just had a knee replacement and was struggling to get around. We met a lady whose son lives and works in Houston and she is all alone...she said she clings to God because He is all she has. We met someone who had never heard much of the Gospel before and Juan Carlos (who is around 16, by the way) shared beautifuly with her about the love of God and how she can depend on Him for everything. As we prayed for each of these people I was overwhelmed at how God transcends language and culture. He is everywhere and listens to everyone...all the time. I was floored as I watched these kids who have virtually nothing material share everything they do have with these people...and pray with a faith that I rarely encounter. They know God is at work...and they pray with conviction and power.

During our circle time that night one of the students said this..."after seeing their faith and how they pray I realized that its not these kids that need's us." I agree with her. We need help to have the kind of faith these kids posess. We need help to be able to pray with the confidence and power that they pray with. So today I am praying from Scripture, "I believe, help my unbelief." I hope you will join me in this prayer. More later...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Off to Mexico

Well, tomorrow I am off to Mexico again --as of yet in my life, it's my favorite place on earth!! This time I'm the group leader taking 17 teenagers, 2 college students, and 4 other adults down to Monterrey to work with Back2Back. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about the group of people I am so blessed to take with me. It is a group of amazing students and amazing adults that I am sure to learn more from than I could ever possibly teach them.
I am anticipating big things on this trip. I always get nervous saying that out loud. I remember the first time I said I was anticipating big things to happen and then I was disappointed when there were no miraculous conversions or healings...or when things didn't seem to go as planned. I was defining "big" in my own way, instead of looking at what was really happening and see the small miracles within those circumstances as big. For example...this week 17 teenagers who go to high schools such as Indian Hill, Mariemont, 7 Hills, CHCA and CCDS will be spending a week living at a children's home 5 hours away from any type of civilization. No cell phones, no computers, no facebook (I know, right? what are they going to do with themselves!!), no air conditioning, no get the point. This week those students will spend hours pouring cement, painting, cleaning, and doing whatever else needs to be done to make this children's home better for the 45 kids living there. They will push an 8 year old girl on a swing over and over again as she smiles, giggles and has the time of her life. They will kick a soccer ball with an 11 year old boy for hours after they've spent a whole day doing physical labor. And they will spend more time alone with God in a week than some of them spend all year long. All of that in itself is a miracle. Our students who have everything, giving it all up for a week to serve. That's BIG.
So, when I say I anticipate big things this week, here's what I really mean. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God will use us this week. We are all willing. We are all able. I also know without a shadow of a doubt that in whatever way, God will change each one of us this week. It may be a subtle change, or it may be a huge change. But either way, I know God is at work. And when God is at work, big things do happen.
I am so excited to head out in the morning. I am so excited to see what He decides to do. Please pray with me this week, that we would notice and be thankful for all God is doing. Pray that we would meet whatever needs we are faced with. And pray that we are a blessing wherever we go.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Things I enjoy

There are many things I enjoy in this life. Unfortunately, often times I don't take the time to do what I enjoy because I'm too busy doing the things I have to do. (See 2 blog posts ago...) One of the things I enjoy more than anything, though, is good conversation and friends. I love getting to know new people and getting a glimpse at what God really means by the body of Christ.

A few months ago a few of my friends invited me to be a part of a new small group from a local church. I was a little hesitant because I didn't know any of the other people involved, but one night out per week with adult conversation sounded fantastic to me, so I tagged along. I have learned so much from these folks. First and foremost, they have welcomed me into their lives with open arms. That is not a totally normal thing to do, as most people have their "friends" and don't make an effort to really make new ones. Not this group, they were very warm from the get-go and it didn't take me long to feel a part of their lives.

It was a quick 6 week study, but we've gotten the chance to hang out a few other times outside of our group and it's been a real blessing to get to know them. Tonight was one of those times, and just the girls went out for some sushi and conversation. This is one awesome group of ladies. What I realized though, as I drove home tonight, was how much I've learned from each one of them. And how neat it is to see so many different personalities come together and share life.

If I'm honest, one of the things God has been showing me lately has been just how task-focused I can be and how I can end up holding others to some kind of unreachable standard. (It's the same one I hold myself to most of the time...which is never a good thing.) So my prayer has been very simple over the past few weeks..."Lord, help me love more." This is one of the things my new friends have really challenged me with (and I don't think they even realize it.) They love well....they love their kids well, they love their spouses well, and they have loved each other (an consequently me) well.

If there is one thing I'm certain that I will get a lot of practice with this summer it's loving other people well. And so I continue with the simple prayer that God gives me His eyes to see where and how I can love whoever I come in contact with. I've heard it said that love can change the world. I want to change the person at a time.