I have the privilege of coaching soccer at a local high school. I say privilege because it has been one of the highlights of my 6 1/2 years in Cincinnati. Of course, there are days when it can be a burden, but those days are far outweighed by the pure blessing that these girls have been to me. I am the head coach of the junior varsity team and one of the assistant coaches of the varsity team. I love coaching jv for one simple reason. I get the freshman! I think going from 8th to 9th grade is one of the hardest transitions for a student and I love that I get to spend time with this group of excited, fearful, nervous, passionate kids. It is fun for me to be able to establish a trusting relationship straight away so that they have a solid support system as they navigate the halls of the high school for the first time.
Of course my competitive side sometimes struggles with coaching jv, but I am learning (ever so slowly) that winning isn't everything and that the big win is their development...both as a soccer player and as a young woman. :)
But what is even more fun for me is to see how those relationships play out over the years. This has been evident in some of the conversations I've had lately with players I coached 5-6 years ago. And what is even cooler is how those relationships have fostered some amazing conversations about faith. I am amazed at how many times players have come to me and wanted to talk about their faith journeys. I have to be careful because of the laws that separate church and state, but I was so excited last year when a group of our players (jv and varsity) wanted me to start a Bible study with our team. Of course, not everyone attends this study, but it is still going strong over a year later. And as I think on the college students I still keep in touch with who have gone through our program I marvel at how God works to build His kingdom.
I guess I'm just super encouraged as I think about how God uses us to accomplish His purposes. Obviously God's purpose is for us to know Him and make Him known. But within that purpose He uses all kinds of crazy, messed up, people (like me...and you) to carry His story to those who need to hear it. And He uses the silliest avenues (like the game of soccer) to do it. What a privilege to be a part of His story, and to have some fun while making an impact on this world.
So my encouragement is this...just do it. A silly slogan from Nike, but truth when it comes to using the talents God has given you for His kingdom. You will be amazed at what God does with the little we bring Him. And you will never regret putting your talents and gifts on the line for God. It is well worth the sacrifice when you see lives changing and relationships building.