So, it's official! I'll be spending a month this summer in Jos, Nigeria! I am both nervous and excited to begin preparing for what I'm sure will be one of the most amazing and stretching times in my life. I am not sure about all I will be doing while there, but the main thrust of Back2Back (the organization I'll be going with) is the "care for today, hope for tomorrow" for the word's orphans. I have been taking my high school students to Mexico with this ministry for 4 years now and have loved every minute of it. And I will have the opportunity to head to Mexico for one last time in June with my students before I head off to Nigeria for a month.
I feel completely blessed for many reasons...one of which is my church, Horizon, has agreed to give me the month off so that I can have this experience. Who does that?
Right now I'm having a hard time putting into words the way I'm feeling. It's actually kind of surreal to think about going that far from home and having the opportunity to participate in God's kingdom work on another continent.
I'm sure I will post more as I process the idea of going and how God prepares my heart for this trip. For now, pray with me that the funds I need to make the trip will come.
Praise God. I am excited to see what He does in and through you.
YIPEEEEEEE!!! God is good! I can't wait! So excited to how God will use you and where He will bring you through this! yeah GOD!!
OH MY WORD IM SO JEALOUS AND EXCITED FOR YOU ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!! you are going to have such an awesome experience there! the people in Nigeria are incredible!
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