Friday, July 3, 2009


Well, it's one week and counting until I get on a plane bound for Nigeria. There are so many things swimming around in my tiny brain, and just trying to keep them straight has been a challenge. I still need to pack. I still need to shop before I know, for the small stuff - a flashlight (which I'm not sure how I've gone 5 years in Cincinnati without one, but whatever), snacks (I'm quite sure I will be eating a lot of Cliff bars), bug spray (which I have found does not come in 100% deet at any of your local I'm needing to find a specialty store), and other random odds and ends.
But this is not where most of my energy is going right now. I've been on many mission trips in the past, so I'm pretty sure figuring out what to pack is the least of my worries. On the top of the list this week is making sure everything will be covered at home while I'm gone and spending some time just being quiet before I leave. The "being quiet" part has been the most difficult...mainly because I'm having trouble finding the time. Youth ministry is always busy. Summer, when you'd think everything would slow down a little bit, has been crazy so far. And with my type A personality, there are always kids to hang out with, people to see and things to do. So, I guess my prayer today is that I would put aside the things that aren't urgent and find that time to be quiet. I am always blessed when I do it, and I know with this huge trip ahead I'm going to need it.

1 comment:

cath said...

praying you make time and knowing God will handle the rest that seems so urgent. He always gives us what we need.