Sunday, July 22, 2007

Open The Eyes of My Heart

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You, I want to see You

To see you high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour down Your power and love
as we sing Holy, Holy, Holy

We sang this song at church this morning. And I have sang it countless times before, but today something struck me. Those words are powerful. And as I was singing a question started rising up inside of me.

Is this what we really want? Do we really want (do I really want) God to open the eyes of my heart so I can see Him? Do we (do I) even understand the implications of that? I'm not so sure. Do we really want God to pour down His power and love? Do we understand what that would look like?

I sang like I always have while the band played on. But my heart was disrupted. Because I have a feeling that if our hearts were open to see God, we would be forced to change. From my experiences with Him and from what I know to be true about Him, you cannot see God and stay who you are. And is that what we really want? Do we want to be changed?

I think we like where we are. I think we like our comfortable lives...and we don't want them interrupted. But when you think about history and the many people in history who have really experienced God in their lives...they had to change. Abraham had to pick up and move and he didn't even know where he was going. Moses ended up leading Israel out of Egypt. Mary and Joseph parented the Son of God. The disciples quit fishing for trout and started fishing for men. Mother Teresa quit her teaching job to hang with the untouchables in Calcutta. Bono has used his fame and fortune to champion the fight against the AIDS pandemic in Africa.

When you see God, when you have an experience heart to heart with God, you cannot continue on as you've been living. The things that wreck God's heart begin to wreck your heart. And there is no other choice than to give your life as an offering to Him...the only true source of your life.

We, as humans, are not too fond of change. Especially when we are not in control of the change. is what God requires if we are to have a growing love relationship with Him. But the cool thing about it is this...we don't have to force the change. God will do it in us. It does require quite a bit of surrender on our part, but God does the work of change in our hearts.

And when God starts working like only He can, our hearts become filled with His goodness and change becomes a byproduct of it all. But the question is...are you willing to put your plans on hold for the opportunity to be part of God's plan? Are you willing to surrender the tight fist you have over your life and your relationships for the opportunity for God to enter into those places and revolutionize them? Do you want to see God?

Then the eyes of my heart, LORD, I want to see You!