Friday, June 12, 2009

Off to Mexico

Well, tomorrow I am off to Mexico again --as of yet in my life, it's my favorite place on earth!! This time I'm the group leader taking 17 teenagers, 2 college students, and 4 other adults down to Monterrey to work with Back2Back. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about the group of people I am so blessed to take with me. It is a group of amazing students and amazing adults that I am sure to learn more from than I could ever possibly teach them.
I am anticipating big things on this trip. I always get nervous saying that out loud. I remember the first time I said I was anticipating big things to happen and then I was disappointed when there were no miraculous conversions or healings...or when things didn't seem to go as planned. I was defining "big" in my own way, instead of looking at what was really happening and see the small miracles within those circumstances as big. For example...this week 17 teenagers who go to high schools such as Indian Hill, Mariemont, 7 Hills, CHCA and CCDS will be spending a week living at a children's home 5 hours away from any type of civilization. No cell phones, no computers, no facebook (I know, right? what are they going to do with themselves!!), no air conditioning, no get the point. This week those students will spend hours pouring cement, painting, cleaning, and doing whatever else needs to be done to make this children's home better for the 45 kids living there. They will push an 8 year old girl on a swing over and over again as she smiles, giggles and has the time of her life. They will kick a soccer ball with an 11 year old boy for hours after they've spent a whole day doing physical labor. And they will spend more time alone with God in a week than some of them spend all year long. All of that in itself is a miracle. Our students who have everything, giving it all up for a week to serve. That's BIG.
So, when I say I anticipate big things this week, here's what I really mean. I know without a shadow of a doubt that God will use us this week. We are all willing. We are all able. I also know without a shadow of a doubt that in whatever way, God will change each one of us this week. It may be a subtle change, or it may be a huge change. But either way, I know God is at work. And when God is at work, big things do happen.
I am so excited to head out in the morning. I am so excited to see what He decides to do. Please pray with me this week, that we would notice and be thankful for all God is doing. Pray that we would meet whatever needs we are faced with. And pray that we are a blessing wherever we go.

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