Friday, July 31, 2009

Prayer for Nigeria

Hello my friends! I'm sorry that I have been out of touch for a few days. Electricity and internet are two things that are a huge blessing here when we have them. Last week our internet randomly stopped working and the service provider said we were getting an "upgrade". What that really means in Nigeria is that they might send someone out to try to fix it in a weeks time. Such is life in a third world country. So, I'm learning that little things that I take for granted every day in the US are answers to prayer and huge blessings here.

Anyway, the real reason for my post is to ask you to pray for Nigeria. There is a long list of things to pray for, but today I have a specific request. A few days ago, about 3 hours North East of where we are in Jos, there was a Muslim sect uprising against the police force. Apparently the police arrested someone and put them in jail and this particular sect became furious and attacked police. As of yesterday over 400 people had died in the uprising. Now, I don't tell you this to scare you that I am here. We have been told that there is nothing to worry about here in Jos. We have seen no signs of tension here, and if we do we will travel south to Abuja to be out of harms way. So, please don't stress. What I want you to do is to pray.

Jos is the northernmost city that is at least 50/50 Christian/Muslim. It is the base for many missionary organizations, some who are very faithful in ministering to the Muslim community. The missionaries over the past 40 years have done a fantastic job in Jos when it comes to Muslim/Christian relations and for the most part the two live peacefully together. When you go north of Jos, it is primarily Muslim. I blogged a week ago about a Muslim who converted to Christianity. It is very dangerous for someone to do this. And yet, God is appearing to these people and showing them the truth. My prayer is that God would soften the hearts of this particular Muslim sect that is causing all the trouble and show them the truth of His love and grace. Anger and bitterness comes from a heart not surrendered to God. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal 5:22) I cannot imagine not having these qualities in my heart, and so my heart breaks for those who are fighting God so hard that they experience the exact opposite in theirs. I can only imagine the lonliness, fear, anxiety and hate that these men and women feel on a daily basis.

Please pray with me, not only for peace in Nigeria at this time, but also for the men and women here who do not know Jesus Christ. I have seen first hand that poverty will be the death of so many, but without the hope of God, they are already dead. Please pray that they would live...and live lives that matter, lives of purpose and love.

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